The themes are different where bleach follows the supernatural shinigami in action and Naruto follows the ninjas in action.Both Naruto and Ichigo are different when it comes to their ambitions, with Naruto having a goal to achieve while Ichigo doesn’t have any goal, he’s just a chill guy.The fathers of both protagonists are in higher positions, which isn’t revealed until really late in the story.īleach vs Naruto (Differences Between Bleach And Naruto).Both Naruto and Ichigo have monsters inside them that they eventually tame.The final villains Kaguya and Yhwach Bach return after a long period and serve the role of the main villains.The main villains manipulate the situations from the start.Both the rival characters Sasuke and Uryu share the same Japanese voice actor.The biggest similarity between the two anime is that both the protagonist use their mother’s last name instead of their father’s, with Naruto using “Uzumaki” and Ichigo using “Kurosaki”.The villains especially are great and the fight scenes are considered one of the best in all anime mediums. The themes of Naruto are a lot deeper than in Bleach, and not only that but the main cast consists of great characters who serve as an inspiration for the viewers. Naruto is a show about facing hardships and overcoming obstacles in life without giving up. The plot is simple and character-driven, there aren’t many underlying themes, and the character designs are great with great fights. The side characters are just too good, the main cast isn’t that great except the protagonist Ichigo and there are overall good villains too. Bleach has an interesting cast with multiple military organizations. Bleach is a supernatural anime about a boy who has awakened his supernatural shinigami powers and now has to help thee souls depart onto the afterlife while defeating hollows who are corrupted souls.